

Everyone wants to slow skin ageing as best we can. We are all looking for the best treatments to stop the appearance of fine lines, reduce wrinkles and achieve more luminous glowing skin. With the use of chemical peels, micro needling, PRP (platelet rich plasma), IPL (intense pulsed light) and home care products you can achieve the skin you always wanted in the most natural safe way.

By combining your customised home care regime with potent professional treatments , the result is radiant skin with improvements in tone and texture and visible reduced signs of ageing.


Acne is a very common skin disorder. Almost 85% of all people develop acne at some point in their lives. Acne usually begins at puberty (most common) but many adults also develop it. Acne most commonly develops in areas of the body that contain a lot of sebaceous (oil) glands like the neck, chest, back and shoulders where comedones, papules, pustules and cysts may occur.

Acne treatment must be customised and flexible since people of all skin types deal with acne. Common side effects of acne treatments include dryness and irritation. We offer customised bespoke skincare regimens to reduce and avoid these symptoms along with professional AlumierMD treatment plans. Blue light therapy targets P.acne bacteria reducing acne. IPL can be used for hyperpigmentation left behind post acne scarring, achieving wonderful results, clearing the skin and improving the skin’s texture.

Medical grade micro needling dramatically reduces scarring (ice pick and hyperpigmentation scarring ) caused by acne.

Sensitive/ Redness/ Rosacea:

Rosacea is a long-term skin condition that typically affects the face. It results in pimples, swelling and small superficial visible blood vessels. Dermatologists believe that abnormalities in the blood vessels of the face may be a major contributing factor for rosacea. Demodex folliculorum (naturally occurring skin mite) along with helicobacter pylori bacteria may contribute to rosacea. Rosacea seems to runs in families and is particularly high in Celtic skin. There are also many daily triggers of rosacea that can make the symptoms worse.

When skin’s barrier becomes compromised because of extreme conditions or poor product use, the skin can become more sensitive leading to inflammation, redness and visible vessels (telangiectasis).

IPL can achieve wonderful and life changing results for patient’s with redness, visible vessels , flushing and inflammation.

With the use of key ingredients through professional peels/masks, home care regimes and education on daily triggers that worsen rosacea/sensitive skin, you can achieve stronger, hydrated and more radiant clear skin.


Pigmentation is the natural colour of skin. It is related to melanin production.

Hyperpigmentation is caused by the increased production and accumulation of melanin, which causes a darkened appearance to the skin.

With the use of peels, medical grade micro needling , IPL and home care treatment serums which containing lightening agents to brighten the skin’s complexion and target the cells which product melanin. You will see a reduction the appearance of pigmentation achieving an even clear skin tone.


Scarring is caused by some form of trauma to the skin either naturally occurring like acne or spots or by blunt trauma like cuts/operative incisions/c-sections/self harm trauma.

Micro needling and IPL dramatically reduces scarring by breaking up the scar tissue and producing collagen therefore minimising the scars appearance.